by Frank V. Persall
Arc'teryx is one of the most well-respected outdoor gear brands in the world and if you're looking for a comfortable, reliable jacket for skiing or other cold-weather sports, then there aren't many others that do it as well as Arc'teryx.
We (me and the wife) tested 10 of the best Arc'teyrx jackets and while there were a lot of excellent choices, I found the Cerium LT Hoodie to be the best for skiing.
Over the last few years, I have been looking for a new jacket that offers excellent insulation and warmth as well as perfect style. I've tried a lot of different types of jackets but kept coming back to Arc'teryx.
I chose the Cerium LT Hoodie as this is a beautifully lightweight jacket that offers down insulation that gives you intense warmth even during very cold weather.
Of course, there were a lot of other jackets that I have spent time looking at during my research and while the Cerium is without a doubt the best overall, the Rush jacket stood out as the best for all-weather and active skiing trips.
What's more, if you're a woman looking for ultimate style and functionality, there are a wealth of jackets that will meet your needs.
Take the Squamish hoodie, for example, which features a lightweight, foldable design ideal for milk weather when the wind picks up.
There's lots more to explore and I couldn't fit it all into a few simple paragraphs, so let's take a closer look at some of the best Arc'teryx jackets on the market today. I'm certain you won't be disappointed.
No matter what the weather, finding the right jacket for skiing can be the difference between a fun day on the slopes and feeling cold and miserable. Below I outline the top 10 skiing jackets from Arc'teryx.
From the moment I tried this jacket, I was seriously impressed!
The hoodie benefits from synthetic insulation that Arc'teryx alongside a down insulation mapping system that keeps you beautifully warm while remaining lightweight and easy to wear.
This excellent warmth-to-weight ratio is also thanks to the Arato 10 nylon shell.
Moreover, you'll notice how durable this jacket is so once you've invested, it'll serve you for many skiing seasons.
When you compare the cost of this jacket to others in the Arc'teryx range, you quickly see that it is the middle of the road and ideal for an all-around skiing jacket.
The Cerium comes in a choice of colors from neutrals like stone and black through to something a little brighter like red or yellow.
Who said you couldn't be stylish on the slopes!
What we like
What we don't like
The Atom LT Hoodie is an affordable jacket from Arc'teryx that offers both style and practicality.
It comes in a limited number of colors but this shouldn't be seen as a downside as the jacket is incredibly attractive. But of course, how warm it keeps you should be an even greater consideration.
This is the perfect jacket for colder weather boasting Coreloft 60 insulation.
This makes it ideal for wearing under a waterproof outer layer in wet weather or simply on its own when it is dry.
Moreover, the Atom LT Hoodie features a water repellent shell and will fit over your helmet so you don't need to compromise.
Despite being a very well insulated and warm jacket, this one also features a close fit.
If you don't like bulky outerwear then this may be exactly what you have been looking for.
What we like
What we don't like
Gore-tex is one of the most effective materials in terms of breathability and waterproofing.
The entire concept of the Rush jacket is built around Gore tex which instantly made it stand out to me.
It benefits from a range of features that make it perfect for times where you could end up feeling overwhelmed by moisture and heat.
Skiing trips that involve cross country or high-exertion are the ideal adventures for this lightweight and breathable jacket.
With all that said, the Rush offers amazing protection in all types of weather.
It features a drawstring hood, layered Gore tex, and taped seams so that water won't get inside.
Now OK, it doesn't have insulation and it's a little more expensive compared to other jackets, but for intense adventurers, this is an incredible choice!
What we like
What we don't like
When you consider a skiing jacket, it is of course important to look at the practical side of things but style is just as important for looking good on the slopes.
This is one of the reasons that this Arc'teryx jacket jumped out at me.
More than this, the Thorium AR Hoodie is one of the most well-insulated jackets out there.
It benefits from super puffy synthetic insulation making it perfect for even the coldest weather conditions.
Moreover, if the weather is wet, the Arato 30 nylon shell provides you with excellent water resistance so you will be dry as well as warm.
The jacket offers a classic fit so is neither restricting nor too loose. This feature alone makes it a perfect go-to jacket for colder weather.
With elasticated wrist cuffs and drawstrings, you not only get a great fit but also adds to the warmth.
What we like
What we don't like
The great thing about Arc'teryx is that the brand makes skiing jackets that are suitable for all types of weather and all conditions.
This one is an excellent lightweight option that is perfect for times when you need a jacket that will easily fit into your pack.
It is also relatively affordable when compared to some of the other stuff from Arc'teryx.
But one of the most impressive things about this jacket is that it features not one, but two Gore tex layers.
The Gore tex Paclite means that the jacket remains lightweight yet still protects you from adverse weather.
Moreover, these Gore tex layers contain an astonishing 9 billion pores making this an amazingly breathable jacket.
On top of this, there is a C-knit backer which offers ultimate comfort and noiseless movement.
What we like
What we don't like
If you are looking for a jacket that is as stylish as it is functional then this is a great option.
I like the fact that it doesn't look like a traditional Arc'teryx ski jacket and more closely resembles a trendy trench coat, but that's what Arc'teryx has tried to achieve here. They've done it well.
But much more than just looking incredible, the Andra coat offers intense protection from the worst weather conditions.
It is kitted out with a Gore tex fabric for ultimate protection from cold and wetness.
What's more, the Gore tex C Knit backer offers an additional layer of synthetic insulation and superior comfort.
One of the best things about this jacket is that it would appear that Arc'teryx has left nothing out.
It comes with water-repellent pockets, adjustable sleeve cuffs, and excellent articulation to allow for comfortable and easy movement.
What we like
What we don't like
You might not always need a jacket when skiing, especially if the temperature remains pretty mild.
I've always struggled to find something that offers adequate protection without making me feel too warm. But the Squamish hoodie from Arc'teryx just changed the game and this is why I think it is one of the best Arc'teyrx jackets out there at the moment, for women.
It is made from nylon and features a trim fit meaning it is compact and feels barely there.
When you're done, the jacket compresses down beautifully for easy transportation.
It's perfect for gusty ridges and I'm not the only one raving about this becoming a go-to skiing jacket.
It seems to be an impression that runs across the board.
The Squamish hoodie is great for layering and has a relatively water-resistant design that is perfect for cooler weather and light rain.
What we like
What we don't like
This long-line jacket from Arc'teryx is perfect for milder conditions but also makes a great choice for layering up when things get a little colder and you need to stay warm.
The jacket is cleverly layered in three parts with Coreloft synthetic insulation right in the middle for ultimate protection.
The Atom SL for women is a surprisingly durable jacket.
At first consideration, you could be forgiven for thinking that the lightweight design meant that this jacket wouldn't stand up to harsh conditions but you'd be mistaken.
It has excellent stretch and is massively resilient.
More than this, it is an amazingly comfortable jacket that is very breathable thanks to mesh-lined sleeves.
Moreover, the hem is adjustable so you can get it to fit in a way that feels good to you.
The zip is beautifully secure and won't slide around and come undone, leaving you free to enjoy the slopes.
What we like
What we don't like
If you are looking for something that features some serious insulation then I couldn't recommend anything more than the Thorium.
This is one of Arc'teryx's most puffy and padded mid-layer coats that features Coreloft insulation and clever mapping that means it is positioned in just the right places to keep you warm to the max.
The jacket also features goose down for natural insulation.
The Thorium hoodie is great for very cold days yet remains beautifully lightweight and comfortable.
If you're off on an adventure, it is easily packable and will also see you through many ski vacations thanks to its excellent durability.
Moreover, this jacket features two hand pockets and an internal zip pocket giving you plenty of storage space for those long days on the slopes.
But this isn't the only convenient feature, the Thorium also boasts elastic cuffs and a chin guard and wind flap; it's everything you would expect from a top-quality Arc'teryx garment.
What we like
What we don't like
As one of the more expensive Arc'teryx coats, I had high expectations for this one and I have to admit that I was not left disappointed.
The Sentinel jacket offers ultimate protection and is designed with a Gore tex layer that is breathable and will keep you dry.
However, this particular type of Gore tex fabric is much more lightweight and easy to wear as well as being durable and not compromising on anything.
One of the things that stood out to me was the brushed flannel backer.
This flannel backer offers excellent moisture-wicking abilities along with a little extra warmth for a jacket that is made for demanding situations.
But what I liked best about the Sentinel was how well it fits.
It is made with an anatomical design that means it offers a snug yet moveable fit perfect for long days on an adventure.
What we like
What we don't like
It's all well and good looking at our top picks or browsing the internet for the best Arc'teryx jackets.
We're confident that you will find a product that meets your needs. But you mustn't merely choose the first jacket you see as while it might look and feel great, it may not have the features you need for skiing.
So, before you make a final decision, be sure to check out the following buying tips to ensure you always get something that perfectly suits your requirements.
Arc'teryx offers a range of jackets, each of which is designed to be suitable in differing weather conditions. As a result of this, the level of insulation will vary from jacket to jacket.
If you head over to the Arc'teyrx website, there is a jacket finder that will help you determine what the level of insulation might be for your needs.
The regular insulated jacket is suited to people who need thermal protection. These will keep you incredibly warm and are great for skiing trips in the depth of winter.
Conversely, you may opt for one of the Arc'teryx shell jackets that are excellent for times when the weather is wet or windy.
Of course, there are going to be situations that call for the best of both worlds and as such, Arc'teryx also makes a variety of insulated shell coats that protect from the weather as well as additional warmth.
Many of the Arc'teryx products contain synthetic insulation which has been designed to offer incredible warmth
Your ski jacket must be able to resist wet, windy, cold conditions perfectly.
Of course, each garment will be designed with different conditions in mind so it is worth paying attention to the time of year and where you will be hitting the slopes.
If it is likely that there will be high winds, you will need a coat that has elasticated cuffs and an elasticated hem as this will ensure no unwelcome gusts make their way under the fabric.
What's more, features such as a high collar and secure hood are essential for keeping out a draught.
In wet conditions, you will need your apparel to be waterproof, or at the very least, water-resistant.
Many of the Gore tex fabrics and other common materials used in the Arc'teryx collections offer this but the fabric is just the first line of defense.
You will also need to keep an eye out for things like taped seams and waterproof zippers to ensure that absolutely no moisture can get in.
Where cold is concerned, you will need something that offers excellent insulation.
Of course, these garments are designed with colder conditions in mind so you will find a lot of heavily insulated options but it is worth checking out whether the insulation is natural or synthetic; in some cases, you will find a combination of both.
It might be easy to assume that when you're on the side of a snowy mountain that there isn't a risk of becoming too warm.
But this is a common misconception. With all that activity and wearing several layers, it is quite easy to work up a sweat.
Of course, your outerwear is giving you excellent protection so you probably won't want to take it off; not to mention the hassle of having to store it somewhere.
For this reason, you should ensure that the fabric offers great breathability.
Breathability and moisture control are two things that Gore tex is well known for so it is well worth looking for a garment that uses this material.
However, it is also important to look at where vents are placed as having them in areas that are more likely to overheat like under the arms.
Nobody wants to fork out for an expensive piece of skiwear only to find that it tears and becomes tatty after a few wears.
Since we have been looking at one of the most high-end and reputable brands on the market, quality isn't an issue and this is essential when it comes to durability.
The materials should be heavy-duty and hard-wearing. After all, when you're out on the mountain, the conditions aren't always going to be the friendliest and you need gear that can stand up to this.
The fit of your coat is a very important consideration. Primarily, you will need to think about how easily you can move while you are wearing it.
Some jackets can be incredibly restricting and limit your range of movement which is no good when you are being as active as you will be when on the slopes.
Something with flexible side panels will allow you to move more freely.
Moreover, you want to look for something that doesn't have any gaps or openings where wind can get in.
As I have already mentioned, you need to look for elasticated or adjustable cuffs and hems to maximize this. Longer sleeves are also a great feature to keep the cold and snow out.
If you are going to be wearing a helmet, you will need to make sure that your jacket is compatible.
This is because some hoods don't offer enough wriggle room for a helmet but fortunately, many do, so keep an eye out for this feature.
Finally, you might look for a coat that features a ski skirt. This does up underneath the outer layer and offers protection from snow getting under the fabric. Some are detachable which is great if you want something a little more versatile.
Having a jacket that fits comfortably and functions well is a must especially if you are going to be spending long days on the slopes.
At first glance, you may think that the Arc'teryx range is a little complicated but each of the different products falls within a specific range making it much easier to choose the right jacket for you.
While Arc'teryx is a very well-known and respected brand, there are still a lot of questions surrounding the products.
Before you can feel confident buying from Arc'teryx, we wanted to answer the most burning questions.
If you are in the market for a high-end skiing jacket then Arc'teryx is one of the first brands you'll probably think to go for.
The company massively dominates this end of the market and there is a very good reason for it.
Within the Arc'teryx range, there are various categories of the jacket and this means that, no matter how you ski, there will be something that suits your needs.
OK, Arc'teryx isn't the most affordable brand on the planet but it's true what they say; you get what you pay for.
In this case, you are getting excellent insulation, weatherproofing, comfort, durability, and style.
If you are looking for the best of everything in a ski jacket then Arc'teryx is a brand worth considering.
When you are skiing, you need a jacket that is comfortable, warm and allows a good range of movement.
Some of the best Arc'teryx jackets feature a Gore tex pro shell that has been engineered with skiing in mind.
These jackets not only offer great protection from the weather and cold but can also be paired with compatible Arc'teryx bottoms for ultimate warmth and thermal insulation.
Is Gore-tex Arcteryx worth the price?
There is no getting away from the fact that Arc'teryx is not a cheap brand.
If you want the best quality then you must pay a little more but many people are concerned that they will be paying over the odds and not getting anything better than they would from something that costs less than $100.
Gore tex is the leader in the field of breathable membranes and while there are other membranes out there, Gore tex offers the best breathability.
This is because, for every square centimeter of Gore tex fabric, there are as many as 1.4 billion tiny air holes; this means you are getting the absolute maximum breathability and this is, of course, going to ramp up the cost.
So is it worth the price? I would have to say that it is, if you want the best then nothing comes close to Gore tex.
Arc'teryx is a top-class brand that is bursting with options when it comes to finding the best ski jacket for you.
There is a lot to choose from but I think that the Cerium LT Hoodie is by far one of the best since it offers excellent durability and is lightweight and easy to pack when you head off your next ski adventure.
However, there is no denying that this is one of the expensive Arc'teryx garments and if you are shopping on a budget, it is worth checking some of the more affordable options.
It is entirely possible to pick up an Arc'teryx jacket for a little less.
Take the Atom SL Hoodie for women which come in at just a sniff over $200 but still boasts versatile wear being ideal for warm weather or layering when it gets colder.
If we've tickled your fancy with some of these incredible Arc'teryx products, then you can find all the top picks on the following links above.
Whether you're looking for something to keep you warm on an Alpine adventure or something that is helmet-compatible and has lots of pockets for convenience, Arc'teryx will have something for you.
Arc'teryx Cassiar Jacket Men's - Walmart Link
Wantdo Men's Mountain Waterproof Ski Jacket Windproof Rain Jacket Winter Warm Hooded Coat - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Patera Parka Women's - Walmart Link
OHSNMAKSL Men's Mountain Waterproof Ski Jacket Windproof Rain Jacket Winter Warm Hooded - Walmart Link
Helly-Hansen Helly Hansen Men's Seven J Waterproof, Windproof, and Breathable Rain Jacket - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Fission SV Jacket Women's - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Kyanite AR Hoody Men's | Durable Stretch Fleece Layering Hoody - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Delta LT Jacket Men's | Lightweight, Versatile Fleece Jacket. - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Men's Alpha SV Jacket - Walmart Link
Atom SL Hoodie for women - Walmart Link
Arc'teryx Cassiar Jacket Men's - eBay Link
Wantdo Men's Mountain Waterproof Ski Jacket Windproof Rain Jacket Winter Warm Hooded Coat - eBay Link
Arc'teryx Patera Parka Women's - eBay Link
OHSNMAKSL Men's Mountain Waterproof Ski Jacket Windproof Rain Jacket Winter Warm Hooded - eBay Link
Helly-Hansen Helly Hansen Men's Seven J Waterproof, Windproof, and Breathable Rain Jacket - eBay Link
Arc'teryx Fission SV Jacket Women's - eBay Link
Arc'teryx Kyanite AR Hoody Men's | Durable Stretch Fleece Layering Hoody - eBay Link
Arc'teryx Delta LT Jacket Men's | Lightweight, Versatile Fleece Jacket. - eBay Link
Arc'teryx Men's Alpha SV Jacket - eBay Link
Atom SL Hoodie for women - eBay Link
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About Frank V. Persall
Frank is originally from the UK, but he has a passion for skiing that knows no bounds. He has made it his life's mission to visit the best ski resorts across the USA and the World. Frank loves spending time with his wife and three children on ski slopes, as they all share his love for the activity.
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